owner & lead photographer


I'll rattle off my expertise first. I have 10+ years as a professional photographer, I graduated with a degree in Fine Art, and I am going on 9 years as a Momma.  

Yeah that last one. That's the one that qualifies me.

I took stunning photographs of her that I thought would matter.  All swaddled and perfect.  And I do love them..to act like I didn't would be a lie.  But. Do they matter?  Not nearly as much as her pouty face the day I wouldn't let her slobber on the cellphone, or her poking her sister on the head during her newborn photos (yeah that one really happened).  I am so glad I learned my lesson by baby 2:  perfect does not = real.  She poked her, and then she kissed her and I wouldn't change it for all the perfectly smooshed baby photos in the world.

And neither should you!

Meet the rest of the Huggins'





The daddy

big sis

little sis

fluff brother

the ones who made me a mom

Coach extraordinare, the best dad around, and a real grill master.  (I would have married him just for the wings) 

My first born.  The sweetest, most kind hearted girl on this planet.  She loves math and overhauls.

My baby.  Fiesty, strong-willed, and a future CEO in the making.  Lover of strawberry pop-tarts and her mom.

Out newest addition.  Helping us live that American dream of a house, two kids and a dog.



want to set up a call?