Let's start by getting through what family photographs aren't: They are NOT all white t-shirts, smiling on the beach (after 3 kids complained about getting dressed and one baby missed his nap), they are not perfectly ironed khakis and tucked in shirts, or each child perfectly positioned in a field of sunflowers (insert barn, cherry trees, etc...)
But why? Because that is NOT family. Family is hugging your sister a little to tight, poking the baby while he's sleeping, watching your husband kiss that boo-boo, and spending REAL, QUALITY TIME together.
Those are the moments you will want in 20 years. I promise!
I'll rattle off my expertise first. I have 10+ years as a professional photographer, I graduated with a degree in Fine Art, and I am going on 9 years as a Momma.
Yeah that last one. That's the one that qualifies me.
I took stunning photographs of her that I thought would matter. All swaddled and perfect. And I do love act like I didn't would be a lie. But. Do they matter? Not nearly as much as her pouty face the day I wouldn't let her slobber on the cellphone, or her poking her sister on the head during her newborn photos (yeah that one really happened). I am so glad I learned my lesson by baby 2: perfect does not = real. She poked her, and then she kissed her and I wouldn't change it for all the perfectly smooshed baby photos in the world.
And neither should you!